miércoles, mayo 15, 2024
InicioNoticiasVÍDEO | Empleada doméstica sumerge brazo de bebé en olla con agua...

VÍDEO | Empleada doméstica sumerge brazo de bebé en olla con agua hirviendo

En Singapur, una menor de 16 meses de edad, tuvo que ser hospitalizada tras presentar quemaduras de segundo grado en su brazo izquierdo.

Al ingresar al hospital, los médicos interrogaron a la niñera, quien aseguró que la bebé se había quemado al tocar una olla caliente. Sin embargo, esta versión no convenció al personal médico, por lo que pidieron a los padres de la menor, investigar lo ocurrido.

Fue entonces que la madre de Amy Low, revisó las cámaras de su hogar y se percató de que la empleada doméstica metió en repetidas ocasiones el brazo de la bebé en agua hirviendo.

La empleada fue detenida y declaró que lastimó a la bebé para que así, la dejaran irse a su casa, en Myanmar.

Maid arrested after CCTV footage captures her dipping a toddler's hand into a boiling pot

The police have arrested a foreign domestic worker for scalding a 16-month-old toddler under her care.The 30-year-old maid from Myanmar was apprehended last week (15 Jan) at her employer's home at Block 992B Buangkok Link.According to Stomp, the police were alerted to a case of voluntarily causing hurt by dangerous means at the aforementioned location at around 10.50am. Further investigations are ongoing following the arrest.Details of the horrific incident came to light yesterday (21 Jan) after Facebook user Amy Low Mei Liang posted a series of harrowing images of the injuries that her daughter suffered from the incident – which took place on 14 January.Ms Low also uploaded a video recording from the CCTV camera installed in her home. The 46-second footage shows the maid carrying the toddler while cooking in the kitchen, before dipping the toddler's left hand into a boiling pot on the stove several times. The child can be heard crying in the video.Link to Ms Low's Facebook post: facebook.com/amylml/posts/10157794959587086The maid initially claimed that the incident was an "accident". However, when Ms Low confronted her after viewing the CCTV footage, she confessed to have hurt the child just so she could go home.The maid said that her friends taught her to do it, adding that even her agent was involved.For the full scope: www.theonlinecitizen.com/2020/01/22/maid-arrested-after-cctv-footage-captures-her-dipping-a-toddlers-hand-into-a-boiling-pot

Posted by The Online Citizen SG on Wednesday, January 22, 2020


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